
You can organize app users into groups. Groups have their own Activity Feed, their own permissions and be a useful alternative to Roles, depending on how you model your data. Groups were originaly designed to emulate Facebook Groups, so they will tend to function about the same way Facebook Groups would.

Groups are hierarchical. Every member of the group /groups/california/san-francisco is also a member of the group /groups/california.

Groups are also a great way to model things such a topic subscriptions. For example, you could allow people to subscribe (i.e. become a member of the group and be alerted via Activities) to /groups/memes/dogs/doge or subscribe to all /groups/memes/dogs

General properties

Property Type Description
uuid UUID Group’s unique entity ID
type string Type of entity, in this case “user”
created long UNIX timestamp of entity creation
modified long UNIX timestamp of entity modification
path string Valid slash-delimited group path (mandatory)
title string Display name

Set properties

Set Type Description
connections string Set of connection types (e.g., likes)
rolenames string Set of roles assigned to a group
credentials string Set of group credentials


Collection Type Description
users user Collection of users in the group
activities activity Collection of activities a user has performed
feed activity Inbox of activity notifications a group has received
roles role Set of roles to which a group belongs