
An organization represents the highest level of the API Services BaaS data hierarchy. It contains applications (and the entities and collections they contain) and is associated with one or more administrators. An organization can be representative of a company, team, or project. It allows multiple applications to be shared within the organization with other administrators.

Creating an organization

Use the POST method to create an organization through a form post.

Request URI

POST /organizations|orgs {request body}


Expected to be sent form data in the body of the request.

Parameter Description
organization (string) The name of the organization.
username (string) The username of the administrator.
name (string) The name of the administrator.
email (string) The email address of the administrator.
password (string) The password of the administrator.

Example - Request

curl -X -i POST "" -d '{"password":"test12345","email":"","name":"test","username":"test123","organization":"testorg"}'

Example - Response

  "action": "new organization",
  "status": "ok",
  "data":  {
    "owner":  {
      "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "username": "tester123",
      "name": "test",
      "email": "",
      "activated": false,
      "disabled": false,
      "uuid": "48c92c73-0d7e-11e2-98b9-12313d288ee0",
      "adminUser": true,
      "displayEmailAddress": "tester123 <>",
      "htmldisplayEmailAddress": "tester123 <<a href=""></a>>"
    "organization":  {
      "name": "testorg",
      "uuid": "5de0bb69-0d7f-11e2-87b9-12313d288ff0"
  "timestamp": 1349284674173,
  "duration": 21376

Getting an organization

Use the GET method to retrieve an organization given a specified UUID or username.

Request URI

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}


Parameter Description
org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Note: You also need to provide a valid access token with the API call. See Authenticating users and application clients for details.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "timestamp": 1349286861746,
  "duration": 18,
  "organization":  {
    "users":  {
      "tester123":  {
        "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
        "username": "tester123",
        "name": "test",
        "email": "",
        "activated": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "uuid": "327b527f-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
        "adminUser": true,
        "displayEmailAddress": "tester123 <>",
        "htmldisplayEmailAddress": "tester123 <<a href=""></a>>"
    "name": "testorg",
    "applications":  {
      "tester123/sandbox": "3400ba10-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
      "tester123/testapp1": "be08a5f9-fdd3-11e1-beca-12313d027471",
      "tester123/testapp2": "cede5b7e-fe90-11e1-95c8-12313b122c56"
    "uuid": "33dd0563-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491"

Activating an organization

Use the GET method to activate an organization from a link provided in an email notification.

Request URL

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/activate?token={token}&confirm={confirm_email}


Parameter Description
org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.
token Activation token (supplied via email).
confirm_email (boolean) Send confirmation email (false is the default).

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "activate organization",
  "timestamp": 1337928462810,
  "duration": 3342

Reactivating an organization

Use the GET method to reactivate an organization.

Request URI

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/reactivate


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "reactivate organization",
  "timestamp": 1349385280891,
  "duration": 3612

Generating organization client credentials

Use the POST method to generate new credentials for an organization client.

Request URI

POST /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/credentials


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Note: You also need to provide a valid access token with the API call. Authenticating users and application clients for details.

Example - Request

curl -X POST ""

Example - Response

  "action": "generate organization client credentials",
  "timestamp": 1349385795647,
  "duration": 7,
  "credentials":  {
    "client_id": "c2V7N61DY90MCdG78xIxPRxFdQ",
    "client_secret": "c2V7WEdXIutZWEkWdySLCt_lYDFVMMN"

Retrieving organization client credentials

Use the GET method to retrieve the credentials for an organization client.

Request URL

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/credentials


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Note: You also need to provide a valid access token with the API call. See Authenticating users and application clients for details.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "get organization client credentials",
  "timestamp": 1349386672984,
  "duration": 690,
  "credentials":  {
    "client_id": "c2V7N61DY90MCdG78xIxPRxFdQ",
    "client_secret": "c2V7WEdXIutZWEkWdySLCt_lYDFVMMN"

Getting an organization’s activity feed

Use the GET method to get an organization’s activity feed.

Request URI

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/feed


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Note: You also need to provide a valid access token with the API call. See Authenticating users and application clients for details.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "get organization feed",
  "status": "ok",
  "entities":  [
      "uuid": "cf4d981c-fe90-11e1-95c8-12313b122c56",
      "type": "activity",
      "created": 1347643370454,
      "modified": 1347643370454,
      "actor":  {
        "displayName": "tester123",
        "objectType": "person",
        "uuid": "327b527f-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491",
        "entityType": "user"
      "category": "admin",
      "metadata":  {
        "cursor": "gGkAAQMAgGkABgE5xc3r1gCAdQAQz02YHP6QEeGVyBIxOxIsVgCAdQAQz3SoH_6QEeGVyBIxOxIsVgA",
        "path": "/groups/33dd0563-cd0c-11e1-bcf7-12313d1c4491/feed/cf4d981c-fe90-11e1-95c8-12313b122c56"
"object":  {
        "displayName": "testapp2",
        "objectType": "Application",
        "uuid": "cede5b7e-fe90-11e1-95c8-12313b122c56",
        "entityType": "application_info"
      "published": 1347643370454,
      "title": "<a mailto="">tester123 (</a> created a new application named testapp2",
      "verb": "create"
  "timestamp": 1349387253811

Getting the applications in an organization

Use the GET method to retrieve the applications in an organization.

Request URI

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{uuid}/applications|apps


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Note: You also need to provide a valid access token with the API call. See Authenticating users and application clients for details.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "get organization application",
  "data":  {
    "testorg/sandbox": "3500ba10-cd0c-11e1-bcf8-12313d1c5591",
    "testorg/testapp1": "be09a5f9-fdd3-11e1-beca-12313d027361",
    "testorg/testapp2": "cede5b8e-fe90-11e1-65c8-12313b111c56"
  "timestamp": 1349815338635,
  "duration": 22

Adding an admin user to an organization

Use the PUT method to add an existing admin user to an organization.

Request URI

PUT /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{org_uuid}/users/{username|email|uuid}


Parameter Description
string org_name|arg org_uuid Organization name or organization UUID.
string username|string email|arg uuid User name, user email address, or user UUID.

Example - Request

curl -X PUT ""

Example - Response

  "action": "add user to organization",
  "status": "ok",
  "data":  {
    "user":  {
      "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "username": "tester123",
      "name": "test",
      "email": "",
      "activated": true,
      "disabled": false,
      "uuid": "335b527f-cd0d-11e1-bef8-12331d1c5591",
      "adminUser": true,
      "displayEmailAddress": "tester123 <>",
      "htmldisplayEmailAddress": "tester123 <<a href=""></a>>"
  "timestamp": 1349390189106,
  "duration": 11808

Getting the admin users in an organization

Use the GET method to retrieve details about the admin users in an organization.

Request URI

GET /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{org_uuid}/users


Parameter Description
org_name|arg org_uuid Organization name or organization UUID.

Example - Request

curl -X GET ""

Example - Response

  "action": "get organization users",
  "data":  {
    "user":  {
      "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "username": "tester123",
      "name": "test",
      "email": "",
      "activated": true,
      "disabled": false,
      "uuid": "335b527f-cd0d-11e1-bef8-12331d1c5591",
      "adminUser": true,
      "displayEmailAddress": "tester123 <>",
      "htmldisplayEmailAddress": "tester123 <<a href=""></a>>"
  "timestamp": 13494542201685,
  "duration": 10

Removing an admin user from an organization

Use the DELETE method to remove an admin user from an organization. All organizations must have a minimum of one user with org admin privileges. If you attempt to delete the last org admin in an organization, the API will return a 400 Bad Request error.

Request URI

DELETE /organizations|orgs/{org_name}|{org_uuid}/users/{username|email|uuid}


Parameter Description
org_name|arg org_uuid Organization name or organization UUID.
username|string email|arg uuid User name, user email address, or user UUID.

Example - Request

curl -X DELETE ""

Example - Response

  "action": "remove user from organization",
  "status": "ok",
  "data":  {
    "user":  {
      "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
      "username": "tester123",
      "name": "test",
      "email": "",
      "activated": true,
      "disabled": false,
      "uuid": "335b527f-cd0d-11e1-bef8-12331d1c5591",
      "adminUser": true,
      "displayEmailAddress": "tester123 <>",
      "htmldisplayEmailAddress": "tester123 <<a href=""></a>>"
  "timestamp": 1349453590005,
  "duration": 727